SKC names a businesswoman & a startup founder candidates for the office of director

● Ms. Eunmi Chae, former country managing director of FedEx Korea, and Mr. Jeongin Kim, CEO of Hyper Lounge, nominated for the office of director in a board meeting on the 23rd

● Female representation among outside directors raised to 50% and candidates identified using BSM ··· drastically enhancing diversity and professionalism in the board membership

SKC (CEO & President Woncheol Park) has named a female business executive and a startup founder for the office of outside director with a view to further enhancing diversity and professionalism in its board.

SKC nominated former country managing director Eunmi Chae of FedEx Korea and CEO Jeongin Kim of Hyper Lounge in a board meeting held on the 23rd. In addition, Joonsik Chae, the Head of the Finance Division at SK Inc. was also tapped as a non-executive director.

Eunmi Chae is an iconic self-made businesswoman who joined FedEx, world’s leading shipping company, as a rank-and-file employee and earned her promotion to the first-ever Korean managing directorship in FedEx Korea. Serving as country managing director, she was touted for her commitment to communicating with employees, and memorizing the names of hundreds of employees. She is also known to be well-versed in labor relations and experienced in global business management, working as the HR manager of FedEx North Pacific Hub and Vice Chairman of the American Chamber of Commerce in Korea. Upon her appointment, the share of female outside directors in SKC will jump to 50%.

Jeongin Kim is a startup founder, a rare breed that can be found in the boards of large Korean companies. After serving as a partner in McKinsey Korea, director in Hyundai Card, and head of global operation at Affinity Equity Partners, he founded Hyper Lounge in 2020, a startup providing a management analytics platform specifically designed for small and medium-sized enterprises. Specialized in business strategy, finance, merger & acquisition (M&A) across domestic and multinational companies, Jeongin Kim, a startup CEO, is recognized as one of the best candidates for the office of director in SKC trying to accelerate business model innovation.

Joonsik Chae, a non-executive director candidate, joined SK Group in 2005 and was appointed to be the Head of the Finance Division of SK Inc. this year after serving as manager of Finance Management Office 1 at SK Inc. He is considered to be an expert on finance and strategy.

Candidates named by SKC share a common trait: they are all business leaders. As businessmen and women with significant experience across a variety of industrial domains account for a great share of the board membership, they are expected to contribute to enhance the independence of the board decision-making process, providing better insights to management leadership and overseeing their conduct. SKC used the Board Skills Matrix (BSM) to identify new candidates and _ object_ively assess their respective expertise. 

Electing an outside director as the chair of the board for the first time last year to bolster up the independence of the board, SKC organized a council of outside directors and adopted BSM in a bid to persistently enhance the independence and expertise of the board. An official at SKC said, “We will render our corporate governance healthier by continuing to enhance the diversity and professionalism of the board.” Following their nomination, the candidates will be appointed in an ordinary shareholders’ meeting slated for March. [End]

​[Eunmi Chae, SKC outside director candidate]

[Jeongin Kim, SKC outside director candidate]

[Joonsik Chae, SKC non-executive director candidate]​