SKC fosters eco-friendly consumption with My Green Place X Environmental Mark

Running My Green Place booth in the ESG-ECO EXPO Korea 2023 to be held from Oct. 11 to 13 in COEX

​● ​Promoting Environmental Mark-certified products conducive to eco-friendly consumption ··· providing a lot more information in support of eco-friendly consumption

SKC (CEO: Woncheol Park) joins the ESG-ECO EXPO Korea 2023, Korea’s biggest environmental trade show, to boost public awareness of products bearing environmental marks and encourage eco-friendly consumption.

In the environmental trade fair organized by the Ministry of Environment and hosted by the Korea Environmental Industry & Technology Institute (KEITI) for three days starting October 11 in COEX, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, SKC will set up My Green Place, Korea’s first-ever game platform designed to publish waste sorting guides, in the Special Environmental Mark Pavilion opened by the KEITI.

Launched by SKC on the Day of the Earth (April 22), My Green Place is Korea’s first mobile game platform intended to publish waste sorting guides. Simply by scanning a barcode printed on a plastic container, consumers can easily find de_ script_ions of unfamiliar plastic materials such as PET and PE, and guides on how to sort and through away such plastic wastes. They can also earn mileage points that can be used in a game to turn barren fields into green zones. My Green Place has been downloaded over 90,000 times so far. 

SKC has set up a special space for visitors to experience My Green Place app. The company is also running the Find Environmental Marks campaign in which the first 2,000 p_ layer_s who succeeded in scanning the barcodes on Environmental Mark-certified products placed in the exhibition booth and earned corresponding stamps are en_ title_d to free giveaways.

The Environmental Mark is an eco-friendliness certification program backed up by the government that allows products and services to reduce energy and resource consumption and minimizing pollution footprints throughout its entire lifecycle from production to consumption to bear a certification logo (Environmental Mark). Since signing a memorandum of understanding (MoU) on the Promotion of Resource Circulation & Eco-friendly Life_ style_ with KEITI in this July, SKC has published increasingly more information on products bearing the Environmental Mark via My Green Place app. The app can help consumers not only to find guides on how to sort and discharge product wastes but also to verify the certification status of products that they consider buying. 

Moreover, SKC is leveraging My Green Place as a platform for various social outreach initiatives. ‘My Green School,’ a resource circulation education program supported by SKC people volunteers to help elementary schoolers who will shape the future of our society to develop greater awareness of environmental conservation and needs for waste sorting, was launched in the previous month and ‘My Green Campus’ event where visitors can experience My Green Place was held in four university festivals in this this spring.

“Joining Korea’s biggest eco-friendly ESG trade exhibition, we will be able to foster the use of eco-friendly products among consumers more effectively,” said an official at SKC. “SKC will continue to launch various other initiatives to bring the awareness of resource circulation home to the general public.” [End]

[‘My Green Place’ on exhibit in the ESG-ECO EXPO Korea 2023]​