SKC vows to promote an eco-friendly culture to address plastic issues

  • Signing an MOU on eco-friendly culture
    promotion with the KCCI, the CCC and Montenum
    ··· joining forces to
    address plastic issues

  • Launching My Green Place, an eco-friendly
    plastic platform
    ··· encouraging
    consumers to engage in the eco-friendly ecosystem


SKC (President & CEO: Woncheol
Park) vows to foster eco-friendly plastic consumption culture in partnership
with the Korea Chamber of Commerce & Industry (KCCI), the Climate Change
Center (CCC), a not-for-profit organization working on environmental issues,
and social venture Montenum developing environmental games in a bid to address
challenges posed by plastic waste.


President &
CEO Woncheol Park at SKC signed the MOU on Eco-friendly Culture Promotion to
Address Plastic Issues with KCCI Vice Chairman Woo Taehee, CCC Secretary
General Sohee Kim, and Co-representatives Kang Baekjoo and Kim Soojin at
Montenum on the 6th floor of SKC Building at Jongro-gu, Seoul on the
18th. The MOU urges the parties thereto to share their respective
professional competencies and cooperate with each other to foster eco-friendly
cultural practices, starting from the release of eco-friendly plastic platform
My Green Place.


My Green Place is
a mobile platform, a smartphone application to be released by SKC on Earth Day
falling on the 22nd. Reading barcodes printed in plastic containers
or product packages, the app users can view at a glance de_ script_ions of PET,
PE, ABS and other industrial materials that they can hardly relate to simply by
reading their names as well as 13 different waste sorting and disposal methods,
ease-of-recycling grades and other relevant information.


Consumers can
select and use easy-to-recycle products by referring to data on over 10,000
types of products using plastic components as available in My Green Place and
sort/ dispose of plastic waste as recommended by the app. Guiding correct waste
sorting/disposal methods for each product, the app helps consumers contribute
to recycle resources.


My Green Place is
also Korea’s first-ever game-type plastic information platform. Users can build
and spruce up My World by earning points and trading them with items
symbolizing plants/animals on the verge of extinction or eco-friendly
facilities, enjoying point-accumulating competition with other users as well. Users
can also engage in offline eco-friendly activities by playing games. SKC is
planning to launch a campaign to plant trees in Central Asia countries that are
suffering desertification named after top My Green Place users.


Parties to the
green partnership MOU will join hands to promote eco-friendly culture over the
launch of My Green Place. SKC has developed the platform that will further
expand collaboration with stakeholders. KCCI provides a product information
data_ base_ to the platform and will continue to update the data_ base_, creating synergy
with relevant businesses, and launching its own promotional campaign. Montenum will be responsible for operating the
platform with its game development capability whereas the Climate Change Center
will engage university students affiliated with the eco-friendly youth platform
Climatus College in promoting the platform and _ link_ it with a wide range of


One of the
university students working in the Climatus College of the Climate Change
Center commented, “The approach that users can build their own world and
ecosystem by playing waste sorting/disposal games feels original to me,” and said,
“I hope we will build a better future by learning to relate to environmental
challenges while playing the games.”


Announcing 2040 Net Zero, SKC is expanding
its eco-friendly product lineup. The company is beefing up eco-friendly
biodegradable offerings including high-strength biodegradable PBAT and biodegradable
LIMEX to name a few. A plastic waste pyrolysis oil business to turn plastic waste
into resources is also in the making. In addition, My Green Place released by
SKC in collaboration with other entities has paved a way for even ordinary consumers
to participate in plastic waste reduction initiatives.


President &
CEO Woncheol Park said, “Without sharing goals and expertise and partnering
with stakeholders, we can never overcome the pending environmental challenges,”
and added, “By agreeing to the partnership this time, we will take the initiative
in fostering eco-friendly culture to make a sustainable world where our
posterity will continue to dwell.” [End]



My Green Place
introduction video clip :

My Green Place
Instagram : @greenplace_kr