SK nexilis & SKC solmics named Korea’s Best Employers

  • SK nexilis was named Korea’s best employers
    for 2 years in a row and SKC solmics three times in total
    ∙∙∙ recognized for creating decent
    jobs and improving work conditions

  • More jobs
    for the young generation and a healthier work-life balance
    ∙∙∙ fulfilling ESG commitment by
    delivering quality jobs and fostering happiness for their people

SKC (President & CEO Woncheol Park)’s rechargeable battery
copper foil-producing subsidiary SK nexilis and semiconductor
material-specialized subsidiary SKC solmics have been named in tandem Korea’s
Best Employers in recognition of their initiative in creating decent jobs and
improving work conditions.


SK nexilis and SKCX solmics were awarded the Plaques of
Presidential Certification at the Korea’s Best Employers 2022 Award Ceremony
organized by the Ministry of Employment and Labor in Sejong Convention Center
on the 9th. Business organizations recognized for creating quality
jobs are named Korea’s Best Employers, given plaques of certification signed
off by the President of Korea and are en_ title_d to a wide range of
administrative benefits. Since 2018, the Ministry of Employment and Labor has selected
100 companies as Korea’s Best Employers every year _ base_d on qualitative and
quantitative assessments informed by a variety of data available from the
Employment Insurance.


SK nexilis was named Korea’s best employer for two
consecutive years from 2021 whereas SKC solmics was named the third time in
addition to 2019 and 2020. The two companies have taken the initiative in
creating more jobs, in particular for the young generation, in a bid to address
the shortage of jobs for the youth.


SK nexilis employed
128 persons, an increase of 24% when compared with 2020. Among them, the
percentage of young employees aged under 34 jumped to 72.7% from 57%. The
company also spearheaded the efforts to deliver better-quality jobs. To
strengthen job security of non-permanent workers, the company has upgraded 34
non-permanent jobs in total to permanent ones for three years since 2019. Thanks
to the Recommended Leave System and flexible working hours, work-life balance
of its people was also enhanced.


SKC solmics
employed 224 persons this year, an increase of 17% from last year. Young
employees accounted for 85% among them. As of 2021, young employees accounted
for almost half – more precisely 46% - of the entire workforce at SKC solmics. The
company has diversified available leave programs as well to keep its people
happier. The _ refresh_er leave paid system available to all employees and the
Happiness Camp lottery program that allows employees to cast lots to win free
hotel accommodations at popular tourist destinations around the country have
been implemented to turn the company into a happier workplace.


“Both of our
investees were honored to be named Korea’s best employers in recognition of
their genuine commitment to making a happier workplace for their people” said
an official at SKC. “We will continue to spearhead the efforts to _ create_ decent
jobs and foster the happiness of the employees, which are key pillars of our
ESG (environment, society and governance) practices.” [End]

[SK nexilis and
SKC solmics, both of which are SKC’s investees, have been named Korea’s Best
Employers. President & CEO Lee Jae-hong at SK nexilis (right in the left
photo) and President & CEO Kim Jong-woo (right in the right photo) are
holding the written certificates and the plaques of the Presidential
certification together with Minister Lee Jeong-shik of Employment and Labor
(left in each photo) in the award ceremony held on the 9th.]