Bioland Builds Highly-functional Mask Pack Factory

● Company builds high-quality mask pack factory with production capacity of 15 million sheets/year in Ansan, Gyeonggi-do

● Another factory with production capacity of 100 million sheets/year planned in China

● World-class products produced under win-win cooperation, including technology transfer from a major cosmetics producer

Bioland (CEO Jeong Chan-bok), Korea’s No. 1 producer of natural cosmetics materials, held a ceremony to celebrate the dedication of its bio-cellulose mask pack factory in Ansan, Gyeonggi-do on March 3rd. Held as an internal event, the ceremony was attended by Bioland CEO Jeong Chan-bok along with Bioland executives and employees and some SKC executives. Construction of the new Ansan mask pack factory, with a capacity of 15 million mask pack sheets per year, was begun on the existing production site in November of last year and took six months to complete.

Prestigious mask packs produced at earliest possible date with fermenting technology accumulated over 30 years

The Ansan mask pack factory is set to achieve stable mass production of mask packs of uniform quality at an early date by applying the fermenting technology accumulated by the company over a period of thirty years. The factory was built quickly and economically as the existing production site and equipment were utilized. Bioland is now capable of producing 22.5 million sheets of mask packs per year due to the enhanced capacity of the new factory in Ansan, in addition to the 7.5 million sheet capacity of the existing factory in Ochang. Their products will be supplied to local major cosmetics companies first. Bioland’s products are bio-cellulose mask packs which have attracted attention as third-generation mask packs, in other words as premium quality products that are superior to the first-generation cotton or non-woven fabrics and the second-generation hydrogel-family mask packs. The premium products have been uated as excellent in terms of their cooling property, adhesive force, transparency, safety, and skin sensation.

Company plans to build additional factory with 100 million sheet capacity in China to supply its rapidly growing mask pack market

Bioland is set to advance into China’s mask pack market, which is growing at an annual average rate of 25% a year and estimated to be worth around 5.4 trillion won, as its board of directors recently decided to build another mask pack factory at Bioland’s Haimen (China) factory with a total investment of 26 billion won by the first half of 2018. Chinese demand for quality mask packs will grow rapidly as not only female but also male customers pay attention to their skin care. “The demand for quality products is growing very sharply as young customers in China with high purchasing power tend to prefer high-quality deluxe products made of unusual materials,” said Jeong Chan-bok, CEO. “We will post 50 billion won in additional sales a year with mask packs alone in the Chinese market by 2022, _ base_d on product enhancement and the differentiation of quality.”

Bioland advances into global market with world-class technology under win-win cooperation with major local cosmetics companies

Bioland’s mask pack business was launched in close collaboration with Amore Pacific, one of the major cosmetics companies in Korea. By taking over Amore Pacific’s core technologies for cultivating bio-cellulose mask pack strains and quality assurance, Bioland succeeded in mass producing the world’s first bio-cellulose mask packs by applying the microorganism fermenting technologies it accumulated over thirty years. Bioland currently plans to accelerate its advancement into the global quality mask pack market by applying its further-developed technologies to its Haimen China factory, into which new investment is planned.


[Photo de ion] 

1. Bioland logo 

2. Photo of the ceremony dedicating the mask pack production facility at Bioland’s Ansan factory 

From left: Park Jong-ryang, Bioland director, Seo Hang-bok, SEC CEO, Jin Gwang-sik, Bioland Managing Director, Kim Tae-seong, SKC Executive Director, Jeong Chan-bok, Bioland CEO, Lee Ok-seop, Vice Chairman, Bioland, Yu Hui-jong, Bioland director, Jo Nam-seok, Bioland team leader, Hwang Jun-ha, Air Bank Solution CEO