● Building a robust governance system: Managing mid- to long-term strategies through the ESG Committee under the Board of Directors.
● Promoting diversity and independence in the Board: Achieving 50% representation of female outside directors.
● Expanding ESG efforts to invested companies: ISC showed remarkable improvement, rising two levels in this year’s KCGS _ eval_uation.
SKC (CEO Woncheol Park) has been recognized for excellence in the governance category in the ESG _ eval_uation conducted by the Korea Institute of Corporate Governance and Sustainability (KCGS).
On December 5, SKC announced that it was awarded for excellence in the governance category at the 2024 Excellent Companies Awards hosted by KCGS. KCGS, the most influential ESG _ eval_uation agency in South Korea, annually assesses the sustainability management practices of listed companies and honor outstanding performers. This year, a total of 13 companies were selected, including one honorary company, seven in the governance category, and five in the ESG category.
SKC was acknowledged for its continuous efforts to enhance governance, including the establishment and operation of a robust governance system. Since the ESG Committee was newly organized under the Board in 2021, SKC has managed mid- to long-term strategies and reviewed major decisions related to environmental, social, and governance issues.
Continued efforts have also been made to increase gender diversity and transparency on the Board. Starting with the appointment of the first female outside director in 2021, an additional female outside director was appointed to achieve female representation of 50%. Ongoing efforts have also been made to enhance the soundness of the company’s governance by publishing Activity Reports on the Board’s activities, _ eval_uation methods, and compensation systems and disclosing information transparently.
In 2022, an outside director was appointed as the Board’s chairperson, through which SKC further strengthened the independence of the Board. Outside directors comprise the majority of SKC’s directors, and the company plans to gradually increase this ratio.
Along with the advancement of the governance system, SKC’s ESG management efforts have expanded to invested subsidiaries. For example, ISC is a semiconductor test solution provider invested by SKC, which jumped two levels in this year’s KCGS _ eval_uation and obtained an overall “B” grade.
An SKC representative stated, “We will continue to strengthen our governance system amidst rapidly changing business environments and set an example by fulfilling our social responsibilities,” adding, “We hope you will continue to follow SKC as we pursue innovation rooted in sustainable governance.” [End]