SKC signs MOU on ‘Internship Program’ with Brazil

○ Supports ‘Science without Borders,’ Brazilian Government’s human resources development plan

○ Brazilian students in Korea to take part in R&D activities through six week course as SKC interns

SKC said, on December 12, that it had signed an MOU on an internship program to support ‘Science without Borders’, with the CAPES (Coordenacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior) and CNPq (National Counsel of Technological and Scientific Development) of Brazil, at the Walker-Hill Hotel in Seoul. In attendance at the ceremony were SKC Chairman Chey Shin-won and Edmundo S. Fujita, Brazilian Ambassador to Korea, who represented the Brazilian Government.

Under the agreement, SKC will hire as SKC interns Brazilian students studying in Korea and enable them to participate in research activities for six weeks in 2013 and 2014. The Brazilian students to be employed as interns are students who are studying for Master’s and Doctorate degrees in science and engineering in Korea as part of the ‘Science without Borders’ program, which the Brazilian Government is implementing to nurture human resources. SKC Chairman Chey Shin-won said, “We will contribute to not only developing the Brazilian economy but also improving the already friendly relationship between Korea and Brazil by offering an internship program through which young Brazilian scientists can gain valuable experience, albeit for a short period of time.”

Chairman Chey is a chairman of the Korea-Brazil Society, and was inaugurated as honorary consul of Brazil in January, and has been conducting far-reaching activities to expedite exchanges between the two countries in the fields of economy, society and culture. “Science without Borders” is a program that was established by the Brazilian Government in June, last year, with the aim of nurturing the quality human resources needed to achieve economic growth. The program aims to send 100,000 students to undergraduate, graduate programs, and research programs at the top 150 universities worldwide by 2014. The program is hosted by the Brazilian Education Ministry and the Science and Technology Ministry and is being coordinated by their affiliate organizations, CAPES and CNPq. Currently, more than 100 Brazilian students are conducting research activities at companies and schools in Korea.