SKC Enters Semiconductor Materials Market Jointly with Mid-Size Companies in Korea
Company seeks shared growth by jointly developing products with mid-sized Korean firms, to make joint inroads into foreign markets in second half of 2015
Company aims to contribute to boosting cost competitiveness of Korean semiconductor companies by import substitution of chip materials
After two years of preparations, Company targets sales of 40 billion won in 2015, 200 billion won in 2018

SKC has completed its validation of more than ten high-performance fine chemical products for semiconductor processing that it has been jointly developing with Korea’s mid-size firms for more than two years with the aim of entering the semiconductor materials market, and has started efforts to industrialize them in earnest. After winning validation by a domestic electrics firm, the Company plans to start domestic sales from early this year, before making inroads into oversea markets from this year’s second half. SKC plans to boost its joint R&D activities with Korea’s mid-size firms, increase the number of products, and accelerate its drive for shared growth with them.

Jointly Develops Products with Korea’s Mid-size Firms, Substitutes Imported Materials

SKC has developed ten types of semiconductor materials jointly with five to six Korean mid-size firms including Dongjin Semichem, DNF and ENF Technology. The Company completed its customer validation by a Korean electronics company last year, and will start selling the products this year. SKC produces high-performance fine chemical products that are used in the semiconductor production process but which face high market entry barriers. As a result, U.S. and Japanese suppliers have been enjoying an oligopolistic market, with Korea depending on imports to meet all its demand. The import substitution of semiconductor materials from overseas manufacturers, on which Korea has been completely dependent to date, is expected to help domestic companies boost their cost competitiveness.

Company Continuously Seeks Joint Advance into Foreign Markets, Shared Growth with Mid-size Firms

Banking on the capacity it has built up at home, SKC is also moving into foreign markets in collaboration with medium-sized Korean firms. The Company is conducting a global marketing campaign targeting semiconductor companies in the U.S., Taiwan, and China. Furthermore, the Company has made significant progress with the validation of its products by global companies overseas, and is set to enter China in this year’s second half, with plans to move into another foreign country shortly thereafter.

Accelerating the Industrialization of Specialty Products, Transformation into a Company Specializing in Materials

With its recent purchase of Bioland, SKC moved into the natural health & beauty care materials market. The company also entered the elastomer market after receiving orders for jounce bumpers, a component of automobile suspensions. Currently, the Company is accelerating its move into the semiconductor materials business, and has introduced a number of specialty products in succession, speeding up its advance into new business areas. Meanwhile, SKC plans to focus on high-performance, specialty products and to increase the proportion of such products in its total sales from the current 7 percent to 30 percent in 2018.